Export Data
EIS - Electrochemical Impedance Spectra
Measurement Data
- class IsmExport(ism: IsmImport | None = None, frequency: list[float] | None = None, impedance: list[float] | None = None, phase: list[float] | None = None, system_string: str | None = '', potential_string: str | None = '', current_string: str | None = '', temperature_string: str | None = '', time_string: str | None = '', comment_1_string: str | None = '', comment_2_string: str | None = '', comment_3_string: str | None = '', comment_4_string: str | None = '', areaForCurrentDensity_string: str | None = '', metaData: bytearray = bytearray(b''))
Class for saving ism data.
With this class only impedances to different frequency points can be stored.
However, the ism files are not complete and can no longer be loaded in Thales, nor do they contain any meta data. ACQ and DC data is also lost.
- Parameters:
frequency – Array with the frequency data.
impedance – Array with the impedance data.
phase – Array with the phase data.
system_string – String with information.
potential_string – String with information.
current_string – String with information.
temperature_string – String with information.
time_string – String with information.
comment_1_string – String with information.
comment_2_string – String with information.
comment_3_string – String with information.
comment_4_string – String with information.
areaForCurrentDensity_string – String with information.
metaData – Binary metadata.
- getBinaryFileContent()
Get the content of the file binary.
Returns the file contents as a binary byte array.
- Returns:
bytearray with the file content.
- writeToFile(file)
Writing the file to the hard disk.
- Parameters:
file – Path to the file to be written.